Дворец водного спорта, расположенный по адресу ул. Центральный проезд 7

телефон администратора: 222-76-51;

телефон приемной: 264-34-20.


Тренажерный зал в корпусе «Л», расположенный по адресу пр. Газеты Красноярский рабочий 31 ст. 1

телефон администратора:   213-96-90.

Спортивные залы: ул. Семафорная 433/1

телефон администратора: 222-76-51.

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Крупный заголовок

Хороший подзаголовок

A great way to catch your reader's attention is to tell a story. Everything you consider writing can be told as a story.

Great stories have personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will asist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide general audience in mind, your story will ring false and be bland. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.


Малая ванна

Хороший подзаголовок

Земба Елена Адамовна
15 декабряпятница15:45

Лепилина Татьяна Викторовна
8 декабряпятница17:15

Попова Светлана Николаевна
30 ноябряЧетверг15:00

Могутова Мария Юрьевна
30 ноябрячетверг17:15

Попова Светлана Николаевна
25 декабряпонедельник16:30

Лепилина Татьяна Викторовна
8 декабряпятница15:00
09 декабрясуббота16:30

Лепилина Татьяна Викторовна
8 декабряпятница15:00
09 декабрясуббота16:30

Евдокимова Марина Юрьевна
01 декабряпятница18:0019:25
02 декабрясуббота18:4520:05
A great way to catch your reader's attention is to tell a story. Everything you consider writing can be told as a story.

Great stories have personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will asist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide general audience in mind, your story will ring false and be bland. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.

A great way to catch your reader's attention is to tell a story. Everything you consider writing can be told as a story.

Great stories have personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will asist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide general audience in mind, your story will ring false and be bland. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.

A great way to catch your reader's attention is to tell a story. Everything you consider writing can be told as a story.

Great stories have personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will asist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide general audience in mind, your story will ring false and be bland. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.

A great way to catch your reader's attention is to tell a story. Everything you consider writing can be told as a story.

Great stories have personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will asist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide general audience in mind, your story will ring false and be bland. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.


Хороший подзаголовок

7, 8, 9 декабря


с 10:45 до 14:15



7, 8 декабря


с 20:30 до 22:00


  • дворец водного спорта 

     (ул. Центральный проезд 7):

    - большая ванна 50 метров 8 дорожек;

    - средняя ванна 16х6м;

    - малая ванна 10х6м;

    телефон администратора: 264-37-16

    телефон приемной: 264-34-20


  • плавательный бассейн 25 метров 4 дорожки 

     (ул. Марковского 70а)

    телефон администратора:  212-36-66


  • тренажерный зал в корпусе «Л»

     (пр. Газеты Красноярский рабочий 31 ст. 1);

    телефон администратора:  213-96-90


  • спортивный зал 17м х 28м 

     (ул. Семафорная 433/1)

    телефон администратора: 264-37-16


  • спортивный зал 18м х 30м 

     (ул. Машиностроителей 54)

    телефон администратора: 264-37-16


  • спортивный зал 17м х 28м 

     (ул. Юности 18а)

    телефон администратора: 264-37-16


  • стадион (футбольное поле) 

     (ул. 26 Бакинских Комиссаров, 3б)

    телефон администратора: 264-37-16


Крупный заголовок

Хороший подзаголовок

A great way to catch your reader's attention is to tell a story. Everything you consider writing can be told as a story.

Great stories have personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will asist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide general audience in mind, your story will ring false and be bland. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.